Who is behind znail ... |
Thomas Kenne
Thomas entered the great world of znail in 2003 and has been the technical adminstrator
of the whole system ever since, keeping the platform alive together with Anders.

Thomas has worked professionally with web-development since 1999 and been involved in
many large scale projects and websites in Denmark.

Read more about Thomas here.


Anders Blauenfeldt
Anders co-founded znail.dk along with Mikkel Stegmann early 1998 as part of a students project at the
Technical University of Denmark.

In 1999 znail was integrated with tv2.dk (website of the biggest broadcaster in Denmark). In 2001
znail.com was launched in english (using the original design from 1998 - which is still the system in use).

Today Anders is working with TV product development with YouSee, the biggest cable-tv provider
in Denmark.

Read more about Anders here.


Christian Schmidt
Christian entered the great world of znail in 1999 and has since been the main force behind converting
everything from ASP (yes, znail was actually original build using Microsoft products) to php/mySQL.

Christian has been working with TV 2/INTERACTIVE, the Internet department of the major danish
television channel, TV 2 for many years and is now working with web development projects at peytz.dk.

Read more about Christian here.


Mikkel B. Stegmann
Mikkel co-founded znail along with Anders Blauenfeldt early 1998. Mikkel was furthermore instrumental
in integrating znail.dk with tv2.dk in 1999.

Mikkel has since finished his studies (Ph.D.) at the Technical University of Denmark
graduating within Image Processing and is now working with image processing.

Read more about Mikkel here.